Aftér all, there is definitely no 1 today who has not noticed the name Gaius Julius Caesar, who can be a member of this Roman family.As with théir sister-factions, thé Julii command a faction that will be filled by Roman legions. Under the ability of your management, the Julii can accomplish great points for Rome - and themselves. The possibilities offered by the present age group of violence offers a broad location for the Julii to vie for strength. Structured in Northern Italia and tasked with coping with the numerous barbarian tribes of the Northern, they follow the Senate'h purchases with a vengeance - for right now.In the beginning of the Imperial Campaign, the Julii are usually still quite high-ranking, but possibly not as effective as they once had been. A general overview of the fóur Roman factions cán be found.The House of JuliiThe Julii are one of thrée playable Roman households in Rome: Overall War. FactionsThese are the factions in Rome: Overall War.